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The rapid response rates for email marketing programs (which average 80% return within 48 hours vs. six to eight weeks for traditional direct marketing methods) is building the huge surge in demand for outsourced volume email solutions.

247 billion emails are sent each day. That’s one email every 0.00000035 seconds.

According to Google Trends, email is more popular than Elvis, The Beatles, Chocolate, Beer, Justin Bieber and Harry Potter.

79% use their smartphone for reading email, a higher percentage than those who used it for making calls.

Email is the fastest, most flexible, cost efficient, personalized and targeted communication medium in the world today.

Retaining customers through email is one-tenth the cost of retaining customers through direct mail.

62% of the recipients of permission email are curious or eager to read it.  Email is the current dominant Internet application, used more frequently than the World Wide Web.

B2B emails that contain just 1 or 2 words in the subject line are opened at a better open rate than those with more words in the subject line.

Email marketing is regarded as a mainstream tool for promoting a business or enhancing sales in any corner of the world. About 90% email marketing can generate results in less than 48 hours.

147 million people in the U.S. check their emails almost every day.

ROI of email marketing is over $583 billion which is considered bigger than Microsoft’s market value. Total revenue from email marketing is sufficient to compensate the entire US National Debt.

Total internet users are about 1.9 billion which is larger than the combined population of European Union, the USA and China.

The best times to send marketing emails are: Tuesdays 10am-1pm, Wednesdays 10am-1pm, Thursdays 10am-1pm.